Sunday, October 4, 2009

West End

West End
acrylic on canvas
$305 + $28 shipping (contact)

I've lamented a lot on this blog about the changing face of my hometown...I've never liked change much, especially when it involves farmland and rolling prairie being replaced with apartments and cookie-cutter mansion communities. One of the best parts about growing up in Billings was the rural quality to the city (despite its being the most populated city in Montana) could drive for 5 or 10 minutes and wind up amidst farmland and undeveloped fields. You could actually find some solitude in a relatively 'big' city. Piece by piece I'm seeing familiar barns and century-old farmhouses being torn down as the West End of Billings keeps expanding outward.

When we were young we used to walk out in those fields
And run forever in the backyard woods
Now the old trails disappear in neighborhoods
With streets named after what's gone for good
-Storyhill, "Paradise Lost"

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